Our home energy team will be providing one-on-one consultations on how to increase our energy efficiency and save money on your power bills. Appointments can be made on the day. For best advice, please bring your most recent power bills with you.

Gavin Gilchrist is a clean-energy advocate with 30 years experience communicating about, delivering and evaluating energy efficiency and renewable energy projects for government, business and households. For the past six years he has been running Inner West Community Energy, which has helped over 370 households install rooftop solar, home batteries and a growing number of electric heat pumps.
Graham HuntGraham Hunt is a convenor with Renew, a non-profit organisation working to transform Australian homes for climate and energy resilience. A registered architect with over 33 years of experience, Graham designed and built his first passive solar house in 1983 and has been involved with sustainable design since then. He can advise on how to keep your home comfortable in summer and winter, how to select the best heating and cooling systems and how to install rooftop solar.
Norman Koslowski is the Principal Consultant at Sky High Energy Control, Sydney’s first independent cleantech energy consultancy. It focuses on future proofing the cost of quality home living by specifying a mix of best performing solar and energy saving technologies. Norman can advise on high performance solar systems, batteries and EV chargers, solar power sharing, solar heat pumps for hot water storage and pools, and air cooling and ventilation systems.
Chris Lockhart-SmithChris Lockhart Smith’s company Ecodweller has provided sustainability advice to over 500 houses and businesses in Sydney and the Blue Mountains since 2020. Chris can advise on the pros and cons of installing a battery, the decisions to be made when installing rooftop solar, options for cheaper hot water, and how to properly insulate your house.
Reshma Punjabi is a Sustainability Engineer at Credwell Consulting. She has a bachelor’s degree in Architecture and a master’s degree in Sustainable Design and High Performance Building from the University of Sydney. Her passion is improving the sustainability and efficiency of the built environment.